


P.IVA 10936830016
Address: Corso Montevecchio 46, 10129 Torino TO, Italia
Phone: +39 011 69 90 496



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We believe that our staff, as well as our customers and our suppliers, are the the core of our company’s assets. That’s why we care about creating the best available environment for each member of our staff to feel as part of a team and support the company’s growth. Recruiting, facilitating integration between individuals and building cohesive teams. This is how we hold on to the values we believe in: flexibility, confidence and commitment.


We are looking for dynamic personnel, interested in gaining experience in the design and implementation of technologically advanced ITC solutions for the management and control of production processes, and more generally, of business processes.
Candidates should preferably be in possession of one of the following degrees: Computer Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Management Engineering or Physics.
It is preferable to have studied issues related to the organization of processes and/or to have knowledge of the Java / J2EE platform..

Our staff is complete at the moment

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We have always believed in the added value of training, which is why we have entered into Internship Agreements with the Polytechnic of Turin, universities, training schools and research institutes for curricular, extra-curricular and post-graduate internships.
In particular, we are looking for students with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering, Electronics and Management. No specific requirements are required but a basic knowledge of object-oriented design and programming principles, base management and some software development tools is desirable.

There are no proposals for internship at the moment

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We dedicate ample space to research and design of innovative solutions, to contribute to the development of the factory of the future, which aims to integrate people's intelligence with increasingly innovative and efficient technological systems. Graduates of Master's Degree in Computer and Management Engineering are offered the opportunity to discuss issues related to Industry 4.0, IoT, ERP-MES-PLM integration, M2M connection, IIoT, MES platforms and Smart Industrial Automation. We periodically publish and/or accept proposals for experimental theses related to these themes ..

We are actually looking for a pre-graduate student willing to work on a dissertation about new IT technologies for digital manufacturing.

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Privacy Policy

This section describes how the site processes Personal Data of Users who send their curriculum vitae in the dedicated sections (Work with us, Internships, Dissertations).

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